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Human Rights & Legal Help Forum help the society and every single person of society with full spirit, courage and dedication for the welfare of society.

About Our Charity

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Our Vision

Human Rights & Legal Help Forum team trying their best to complete all the mentioned vision for the welfare of the people, society, and country मानवाधिकार और कानूनी सहायता फोरम का उद्देश्य समाज के जीवन और रहने की स्थिति पर अनुसंधान के साथ-साथ कार्रवाई शुरू करना, प्रोत्साहित करना, जागरूक करना, समर्थन करना, शिक्षित करना और संचालित करना है। इस प्रकार, संगठन विकास प्रक्रिया में हाशिए के और वंचित वर्गों के लोगों को मुख्यधारा में लाने के विचार के साथ कल्याण, स्वास्थ्य, शिक्षा, सतत विकास और समानता के लिए काम करता है।.

मानवाधिकार और कानूनी सहायता फोरम का उद्देश्य

  • We are focused on Woman empowerment child development and awareness of rights
  • We make efforts for awareness of human welfare society programming for moral, intellectual, educational development to mankind
  • Effort full creation of an atmosphere of equality, free from cast, creed, religion, upper/ lower segments in the society
  • Providing complete awareness of human rights to the society and educating concerning constitutional rights
  • We protect from tortures and effort for providing social justice to all classes of society from government administration rights quotes and other concerned levels rendering the services of national human with them to the common people
  • We provide a platform for the running of government-approved technical course painting program for welfare and all other activities of human welfare as may be permissible under section 20 of the Indian societies act
  • We help to maintain schools’ institutions and colleges for imparting general vocational industrial technical physical mental arts science health and promote education in Sanskrit Hindi and English language to assist and provide financial assistance to the poor and needy people of the society and for any other cause of public utility
  • We establish and maintain Centers for reflexology and yoga therapy irrespective of caste creed race or religion because each person in this world is in search of happiness and wants to live a healthy life
  • We undertake projects programmers and schemes relating to health education such as medical institution dental institution pharmacy college hospitals charitable dispensaries medical aid centers clinics home for women and children maternity home nursing homes child welfare centers sanatoriums and other institutions of similar nature and to run maintain vocational training institution for all of them
  • We do all acts to provide for sanitary facilities and promotion for preventive and another major for the health of people
  • We establish run and maintain dharmsala rest house poor houses or any other such charitable institution for the benefit of all classes at any suitable place or area
  • We supply drinking water on special occasions at the confessional rate
  • We do all such acts and things as may be conducive to the general well-being of the society and upliftment of the social educational cultural or economic condition or the masses
  • We assist and support establish and maintain libraries and reading rooms to establish and maintain boarding houses or hostels or assist such institution
  • We maintain and contribute to giving aid to any medical education or social institution or any charitable institution with philanthropic purpose which may be in the general interest of the poor of all caste and creed and do all such acts and things to give relief to the poor
  • We publish books and magazines for the development of education and upliftment of humanity to distribute them to the public with or without charging the price
  • We open and maintain orphanages windows homes and homes for blind and handicapped persons and provide them vocational and other training or to help the assistance to any such existing institution and institution
  • We provide for endowments stipends scholarships and other allowance to deserving and needy students for promotion and encouragement or all type of education
  • We establish a center to promote knowledge general awareness among the people in the field of science arts culture yoga industry economic and social development environment management and social changes
  • We sponsor programmers for release and rehabilitation of child labor’s women laborers and bond and landless laborers
  • We publish pamphlets souvenir journal magazines newspaper hold exhibition workshop discussion seminar conference exhibition comes sale and scientific journal magazines newspaper hold exhibition workshop discussion seminar conference exhibition comes sail and scientific demonstration two nurse plant make grow the plantation of different species on the wasteland in village town metropolitan cities in the school College Hospital wayside roadside at private land public land so that the problem of pollution ecological imbalance deforestation can be checked and pollutionfree environment can emerge through socioeconomic changes for this purpose different types of fruits fodder and fuel trees will be planted for the protection and preservation of the environment
  • We establish drug de-addiction centers clinics and Research Center to facilitate treatment nursing do drug-addicted patients and their rehabilitation to identify the cause reason which provokes youth and people to be a drug addict and provide them suitable treatments
  • We train the educated women and youth by providing knowledge of cooking art learning of house decoration health care and beauty culture computer hardware and designing and gardening
  • We promote the program for poor family planning family welfare and population control through demonstration and operation as prescribed by law
  • We establish charitable Health Center for the welfare of poor and needy people for this purpose allopathic Ayurvedic, homeopathic naturopathy and another system of medicine will be adopted
  • We provide information regarding cancer aids and other infectious diseases in urban and rural areas and render free medical facilities and guidance to the general people
  • We cultivate the spirit of culture among people by holding music drama dance concert debate lectures and quizzes for the entertainment of the people
  • We engage in the preparation of statutory reports for any industry creating water and air pollution problems and submit the exhaustive report for preparation of treatment as and when required under the pollution Control Act prevailing in the different States and the Government of India
  • We undertake the construction and maintenance of drinking water supply scheme and hand tube wells and drill tubewell in the urban and rural areas
  • We undertake the construction of the low-cost house for the poor in the village and town to construct the public building in urban and rural areas
  • We construct reconstruct irrigation channels canals tanks wells as long and for public use
  • We provide legal aid and family counseling services to the general people
  • We establish a consumer education and publication Center for making the general public aware of the consumer's right
  • We establish coaching Centers for students preparing for competitive examination
  • We implement saving and credit programmers amongst women through self-help groups four agencies small income generation programs it is
  • we manage toilet biogas plants nonconventional energy centers including wind cycle hydropower and solar energy on the basis of recent techniques in the rural semiurban and tribal areas authority
  • We undertake to implement execute and put in action the welfare charitable scheme of central government state government local bodies or any other institution agencies for the benefit of trust
  • We develop a human throughout the world to train and make conscious people at large to associate themselves in natural calamities and removal of human sufferings
  • We establish a food processing training center and food and fruit processing products and units

Our Achievemtns

We are serving the peoples and helping the people in society from a long time. We are serving the peoples and helping the people in society from a long time.

Social Works

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